Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Thinking: Part 1

I've been re-evaluating my thoughts as of lately. It's a strange idea when you actually think about. And actually thinking about that idea is even stranger.

Think about it:
You think of a thought. Then you think about those thoughts and decipher why those thoughts pieced together in your mind (such as the cause or personal mental processing). Sometimes you take it a step farther (I'm pretty sure it's not further) and think of a way to make that thought into reality, or ways to dispose those thoughts or mental thinking (at least I do sometimes in a ways to improve myself).

On top of all of this thinking is actually thinking about that thinking.

I think my brain is done thinking about this thinking for now. I will continue on my next post...


  1. Ha ha ... confusing but interesting...

  2. haha... we sooo need to talk over some tea! Seriously! I've thought this concept over quite a few times before, but getting confusing thoughts like this spoken is hard to do with ppl who don't want to rack their brains.
