There I was...caught completely off guard. There were very few faces I would want to accidently run into, let alone talk to, yet I continued on it. It was turning into another one of those days where my integrity was smashed and my temper was short after work. My patience was tested and out the window after getting behind a van that would brake after it accelerated to a godly speed of 10 mph, and an acura that would brake for green lights. I was ready to...relax.
I ended up walking into my well-familiar spot, and my day seemed to instantly restore itself. Thank God for the friends he's placed in my life. Nice, friendly faces belonging to my friendly friends renewed me with words of encouragement and compliments. The best part of it...I didn't even have to say anything. Not one word mentioned about disheartening state of mind I was in...
My day took off from there. It was...the outmost perfect day of all summer; a incredible sunset, perfect weather with a nice, slight breeze as I sat alone simply enjoying God's company. I was in complete harmony, can't imagine the last time I've been more relaxed.
All alone. Slowing down. Thinking. Listening. Watching. Pause. Three second delay. Silence...then piano.
Hmm..."sing me something soft, sad and delicate, loud and out of key, sing me anything..."
Ipod that song.
God revealed something new to me as I came to a stop. When I wasn't concerned about his plans for me...when I stopped thinking "What's next?"...I was able to be at peace and see the beauty in everything. The funny lady wearing a purple shirt and purple bandana sitting across from a guy with a purple shirt also. The group of friends laughing while playing Scrabble. The women discussing the craziness of their jobs and families. I understood, I didn't need to hear the world. God showed me his glory in everyone and everything.
Strange. I never imagined blocking out the overwhelming world noises by listening to my ipod. The world volume on low...everything is...peaceful. The music more distractions, just listening to God...
The Presence online film på svenska 2010 4k
6 years ago
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