Thursday, January 28, 2010


Jason asked the group to express our feelings a week ago by writing or drawing...naturally, I wrote a poem.

Circumstances pressing in,
my body wonders if this is real
an illusion, a dream,
as the natural and spiritual struggle to overcome each other
and my mind, soul and heart have become the rope being pulled.
The world says to be myself,
to be happy, to be independent
but that "to be" has a string attached
as it drags the heaviness of "you are".
But you intervene,
your words of love pierce my heart,
cutting the strings holding onto me
releasing me to breathe,
no longer a controlled puppet.
So I will dance freely
as a hand does not dangle me,
but yours has set me to my feet.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Blind Emotions

Cries and utterances try to escape
this beating prison inside.
Out comes overwhelming thoughts and compulsions,
to suppress them would only lead them astray
and to gnaw away at my love and composure,
as they bash and scratch against the walls
and longingly look past the prison bars
to the lightness and pure clouds above.

Rationality stands over guard,
as he beats them within me
to stay, be quiet, stop crying,
your longings and dreams will be forgotten,
stay in line and you will live,
scream out and no one will hear,
not a second glance as they walk by.

They cannot stay still.
A gentle wind whispers to them of a coming,
a new love, a new hope, a new dream.
They are stirred,
only to cry out for mercy to the chasing winds,
asking to be shown, asking to see.
The fortress walls suddenly crash,
as the sight has an unexpected reality
and they are free to walk into a beauty.

Monday, January 18, 2010


The night brings a calming to my soul,
as stars chase after the dimming light,
but as my heart lies in the middle of the road,
my mind races in both directions,
there seems no clear indication of signs.
Light glistens from the damp ground,
as a leaf and its brother follow suit to my hand,
the lightness of life send off my senses,
my breath caught in a stillness of the beauty.

Where to go
as mystery hides behind the veil of darkness,
and leaves of life leave their home to join others
to leave the once beautiful tree, bare.
I will stay with you tree,
as seasons will come,
beauty will be restored
the twinkling eyes in the night sky
will be our light.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Theopneustos is 'God breathed' in the Greek. It is where we draw the word "inspiration" from. An inspired person is defined as ‘theophoretos’ (God borne) and by ‘pneumatophoros’ (Spirit borne).

The very essence of us is all three. The passions of hearts are inspirations from our Father. It's a sad thought of how much religion has been driven into our love for God that very definition of 'love' has become perverted.

This love has been turned into a performance without grace.
It has come from selfish ambition. It is without humility.

Humility is not lowering your self-esteem or the strengths of who you are.
It is being a servant. It is honoring other values over yours first.

We breath to love.
We were born to be loved.

Jesus breathed a life of unconditional love.
No strings attached.
The Holy Spirit teaches us this. We live by the Spirit, not of the flesh.
So lets live by faith. Lets live by this love.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Love. Mercy. Grace.

The truth has been there in my mind, heart, and soul.
I just didn't know how to put it in words.
I just hadn't fully grasped it.
Love, mercy, and grace.
It was all we needed. It is the one thing He longed to give.
And we are redeemed to be come back fully into His image...just the way we were made to be.
He has called us into his divine nature.
It is not of us to judge because He doesn't judge anymore.
It is not of us to anger because He only knows of good thoughts.
This thought of my Father...somehow was lost amongst many.
But I'll hold on to it with my life. It is life.
Forgiveness is life. Not judgement.
Love is life. Not hatred.
Love is the new justice. Not punishment.
There is no fear in perfect love.
And it is already given...just receive.